MELIA's Comments

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At 2:01pm on February 25, 2016, MELIA said…

Looking forward to hearing and seeing all the nominees and their creative works!

At 12:57pm on July 6, 2015, The Flowered Gnomes said…

We're brand new to the site and saying hello to everyone!!!

At 1:43pm on September 3, 2013, MELIA said…

new songs are written, getting ready to record.  I can't wait for you all to hear them.  I will have a new live video of a new song posted soon.  

At 3:23pm on March 22, 2013, Rich Nakatsu said…

You WROCKED me with Just a Bride!  Wow! Sonic Candy my friend!   \m/

At 10:43am on March 12, 2013, MELIA said…

Thanks to everyone at IMC and to Christopher to showcase my music.  i am very proud to say that my 2012 Song of the Year "JUST A BRIDE" was in the Top 10 Countdown for an entire year!!!!!!!!!


At 3:40pm on March 10, 2013, Annabella Wood said…

Great stuff, Melia. You go, girl!

At 10:33am on December 7, 2012, MELIA said…
Hey guys thanks for all the support. IMC has informed me that the overloading of voters has been the issue with the limited voting on my song Just A Bride for the Radio Cafe Top 10 Countdown. I guess this is happening for everyone. Please don't let this stop your very much needed votes! We have been in the Top Ten for 10 Months straight and at #1 for Five weeks in a row! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
xoxoxo Melia
At 11:34pm on November 27, 2012, MELIA said…
I've had a lot of fans message me and complaining about the voting on the weekly top 10! They are saying that they can only vote THREE times when they vote for me. This has been happening for the last week. Just wondering if this is a new format or change in the voting?
Is anyone else having this problem?
At 8:25pm on September 10, 2012, Jamie Alimorad said…

Do you ever come down towards New York City?  We should do a show together!

At 1:33pm on September 10, 2012, Jamie Alimorad said…

Hey Melia!  Just wanted to say hi and that I really dig your music.  Good rock sound.  Are you a fan of Halestorm by any chance?

At 3:21am on September 10, 2012, K'SANDRA said…

keep up the great work my friend Melia.

At 7:35pm on August 24, 2012, Dianne Meinke said…

Hey Melia, right back at you;))) awesome music...!!! Dianne♥

At 12:48pm on August 20, 2012, country moss said…

great tracks on your player !!

At 8:56am on August 20, 2012, Chelsea Jenkins said…
absolutely, let me know if you ever come up to Ohio :) we'll work something out
At 2:14am on August 19, 2012, Chuck Howard said…

Melia, thanks for connecting and all the best !! "Do what you do and do it well"

At 9:58pm on August 18, 2012, Michael Patteen said…

I really like it here.  Thanks for playing your heart!

At 12:22pm on August 17, 2012, MELIA said…
Thanks for all the wonderful comments!!! It's truly an honor to be accepted the way I have been on this amazing site! Keep making MUSIC and always be original!!!!
xoxoxo Melia
At 6:47pm on August 16, 2012, Keira Elise Moran said…

Thanks for the comment Melia! Sorry, i'm soooo late getting back to people. jsyk my band and I have been rockin out to "Stay" all week. Also, did you know the "Melia" is a hotel in Cuba? fun fact. 


At 12:18am on July 10, 2012, Ronnie Lickers said…

Yes , Yes we did ! i had a blast , best of luck to you !


At 5:09pm on July 9, 2012, Keira Elise Moran said…

Hi Melia!

Thank you so much for welcoming me to your hometown. It was great meeting your parents and your brother and your friends and even your grandparents! Rochester was so awesome; you guys made me, my familly, and my band feel so at home.  We loved House of Guitars (my drummer bought a new drumset!), and seeing you in action at Water Street was AMAZING.  Thanks for being such an inspiration and paving the path for the rest of us.

You Rock!! Can't wait until our paths cross again.



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