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At 2:52pm on February 25, 2016, kiki Love said…

Thrive great beat! love Catherine Sarah manna see you again in Hollywood this year april 24 25 at the Grammy Threatre 

At 6:57pm on May 12, 2012, MELIA said…

congrats on your wonderful music and the recognition you well deserve!!!  keep making that kicking music my friend!!!!!

xoxoxoxo  melia

At 8:49am on May 2, 2012, alchalant said…

Congrats again from alchalant in Detroit MI.

At 4:10pm on March 30, 2012, evangeline arias said…

Your music reflects what is happening in he world.  The reality call reminds us of the journey of life.  You are a very talented young artist,  your spirit brings us all to place where we look deep inside of ourselves, and we face reality and we can make the world a better place.  You will have a long and very sucessful caree Bradrick.  Sending you lot's of LOVE, PEACE, HOPE, FAITH, and pure happiness.  Thank you for your friends request. 

At 9:02am on March 27, 2012, Dedoceo Habi said…

Let me know when you want to do a video:

At 8:52am on March 27, 2012, Dedoceo Habi said…

Let me know when you want to do a video:

At 10:10am on March 2, 2012, Devoted said…

you sound great !!...god bless

At 2:20pm on March 1, 2012, Christopher Ewing said…

You got some jams, Bradrick!  Yeah!

At 5:54pm on December 18, 2011, Money of Mac Boyz said…

aye im feelin tha jamz dawg--  alwayz keep it [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο)̲̅$̲̅­]--->>>



At 5:59am on October 21, 2011, Don cauthon said…


Thanks for the add!!!

At 8:39am on September 22, 2011, Myrical said…

thanks for the add make sure you check out some of my material at looking forward to your feedback


At 9:00pm on September 15, 2011, Money of Mac Boyz said…

peep out tha new trakc itz called "grindtime"--- lemme kno wut chu think bruh

At 4:18am on July 29, 2011, Bruno Requentel said…


"Woo Hoo"

Thank you for your attention...Merci pour votre attention..;

NEW: >>>

Please, if you like it, merci si vous aimez:



At 2:16am on July 27, 2011, APOSEPSIS said…

Hi, Bradrick,

thanx 4 adding APOSEPSIS among your favorite musical diagnoses! Hope to keep in touch and meet on the stage one day. :-)

At 1:08pm on July 26, 2011, papy-j said…
thx for the request homey
At 5:23pm on July 24, 2011, Randy Chiurazzi said…
Thanks Bradrick.  Yea man.  I'm hearin how you got your debt inline.  That inspires me cuz Im doin that too.  I feel that you stand a better chance of getting more money if you expand you income from living in your means to start with.  It's hard but it has to be done.  Thanks for your detailed explanations about hard work.  up up up!!!!!   randy Chiurazzi
At 1:20am on July 15, 2011, The Foxman said…
Thank you Bradrick :) It is an honor to meet you !
At 11:38pm on July 12, 2011, will stenford said…
thx 4 ur support
At 1:51pm on July 10, 2011, Jelixa said…

Thanks Bardrick for stopping by and becoming a friend!


At 3:55pm on July 3, 2011, BluRaggz said…
Gratitude 4 tha add... Keep grindin hard famo...


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