Michelle Rocking Horse Garcia
  • Female
  • Fairview, TN
  • United States
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Michelle Rocking Horse Garcia's Friends

  • David Ballard
  • Frontline & the B.O.S
  • James Moffitt
  • black symbolyk band
  • Mark Durant
  • Charles Joseph Moix
  • keron
  • SnaggleToothBandit
  • Michael Reich
  • Minoti
  • Mike Brasher
  • Barrie Glover
  • Jason Little

Michelle Rocking Horse Garcia's Page

My Music

  • 1.
  • 2.
    Standing with a Friend
  • 3.
    New Grey Line
  • 4.
  • 5.
    New Cry
  • 6.
    It's Come to This
  • 7.
    She's Got Girl Power
  • 8.
    Why the World is Today
  • 9.
    Crisis on the Shore
  • 10.
    Orders Up
  • 11.
    Secret Recipe
  • 12.
    Abuelita's Marmalade
  • 13.
    See You at Supper Time
  • 14.
    Chili n Beans
  • 15.
    San Francisco Queers
  • 16.
    Pride Parade Ball
  • 17.
    Tipping the Scales
  • 18.
    Warming Up the Oven
  • 19.
    El Gato Negro
  • 20.
    Lady Lilly

Michelle Rocking Horse Garcia's Photos

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Profile Information

City & State
Nashville, TN
Music Genre(s):
Rock, Jazz, Country, R&B
Michelle Rocking Horse is a professional singer/songwriter with years of performing and recording experience. She plays guitar, keys and bass. A performer since age 13, she and her band the Cornerstone, were asked to sign with Elektra Records when she was 19. Later she recorded and played with movie-score wizard and Oingo Boingo visionary Danny Elfman. Her last band in Los Angeles featured jazz recording artist Richard Elliot on saxophone and vocalist Katie Segal, from TV sitcom “Married with Children.” Michelle’s current Latin/Jazz/R&B/Rock band is full of accomplished musicians from the artist community. Her first solo instrumental album, was "Spanish Traveler”, full of Latin jazz and acoustic influences. Her second album, "New Grey Line" features her band The Messengers with a variety of uplifting positive messages, green influences and thought provoking lyrics. In Nashville she produced a humorous album called “Laughing in the Kitchen”. Filled with feel good classic rock, country and blues. The themes are upbeat and fun to listen to when you need a laugh. The CD also includes original recipes. She was crowned Miss TGSF San Francisco in 2000, has been a longtime supporter of the artist community in the Bay Area, and volunteered at Spectrum Marin, the LGBT Center in Marin County. Michelle co-starred in the feature documentary “Some Reasons for Living," an anti-hate crime film that played in Melbourne Australia, Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco during the alternative film festival the summer of 2004. As a past member of the Transcendence Gospel Choir in San Francisco, Michelle was one of the artists featured in the documentary “The Believers,” released in June 2006 by Campfire films. Currently her own autobiography documentary is in Editing stages, being produced by Gary Carnivele for a 2012 release date. For booking information, contact: JazzedOnRock@yahoo.com or visit www.reverbnation.com/laughingkitchenband www.reverbnation.com/michellerockinghorseandthemessengers

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At 4:03am on May 6, 2011, TheOmniBand said…

lol thank you much ;) your music makes me wanna dance ;)


At 4:22pm on May 3, 2011, Mike Brasher said…
Does humor belong in music?  Heck yeah!  im feeling a little bit of a Frank Zappa-esk in San Francisco Queers.  jus wanted to comment on that.
At 3:55pm on May 3, 2011, Mike Brasher said…
Catfish Cheese is on Indie Music Channel. I am here to invite you to our profile to hear what you have been missing, and remember... "Its always bedda with some catfish chedda".
At 2:47pm on May 3, 2011, TheOmniBand said…
Greetings from the band Omni- ;)  wanted to add you as a friend... just because you are member number 4000 lol ;)


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